#HardRock_&_AOR - La 1ª Comunidad de Rock Melódico; AOR, HARD ROCK, METAL (1999-2003)-(2011...)

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2 participantes

    Asphalt Valentine

    Fallen Angel

    SEXO : Masculino
    ZODIACO : Capricornio

    MENSAJES : 230
    EDAD : 43
    LOCALIZACIÓN : Caracas

    Asphalt Valentine Empty Asphalt Valentine

    Mensaje por jars80 Miér 17 Nov 2010, 15:13

    Asphalt Valentine Asphalt%20Valentine%202

    “ROCK AND ROLL” is a term used to define a type of music, a person, a generation and a lifestyle. It’s a brand. Arrogant swagger, infectious groove, unbridled sexuality, heart racing rhythm, undeniable passion and soul are what separate ‘rock and roll’ from its musical counterparts. Asphalt Valentine is, without a doubt, a rock and roll band.

    In 2003, five Atlanta based musicians got together to combine all aspects of the spirit of rock and roll. Influenced by every musical note they had ever heard, Asphalt Valentine fused them all together and made something of their own. The attitude of punk, the decadence of glam, the melody of pop, the blare of hard rock, the naiveté of youth, the worn weariness of country and the soul of rhythm and blues - but with one common goal, straight ahead balls to the wall, white knuckled rock and roll.

    Asphalt Valentine understands there is not a secret formula for success other than determination, hard work and a little bit of luck. There is no reason to try and reinvent the proverbial wheel. The only thing needed is to keep that wheel rolling – and what truly matters is that you are true to yourselves. Asphalt Valentine are five guys who firmly believe that is what they do with the music that they create.

    After thousands of miles logged, hundreds of shows and many satisfied fans, Asphalt Valentine finally found the perfect combination of seasoned and veteran musicians to fulfill their quest to rock and roll. Asphalt Valentine is poised to take it to the next level. Buckle up and hold on because it’s going to be a hell of a ride.

    Asi se presentan en su WEB ( http://www.asphaltvalentine.com ) en su myspace ( http://www.myspace.com/asphaltvalentine2 ) citan como influencias a Motley Crue o AC/DC

    Tienen un disco que se llama Strip Rock Roll
    Asphalt Valentine AsphaltValentine%20SRR

    Me ha gustado mucho el disco, en especial los temas Hard Life, Strip Rock Roll y Bombshell, en resumen, Hard Rock modernete de buena factura, para quienes no los conozcan, se los presenteo...